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Jan 25, 2010

Skateboarding Poser- My Opinion:

Is it some one who just wears what they think skateboarders wear? Or is it some one who WALKS around when they have a board in there hands?
I used to skateboard when I was younger and was  really into it but I was always afraid to fall and mess my face up( Yea its Lame, But I wasn't messing my face up) but they doesn't mean I stopped trying and completely gave up.
But as the years move on some times you have to let certain things go. After a certain age if you dont know how to execute and land certain tricks its time to put the board down and just watch. There is nothing wrong with watching ether, and just because you stopped skating does not mean you cant dress how you want.

 If you become a watcher , you dont necessarily become a poser. Your still apart of the skate culture because you still have an interest in skating.

I mean you have to have a GENUINE interest though.

BUT I do think a person becomes a Poser when they talk about what they can do but you never see them on a Skateboard.

This is just my random opinion. 
And a picture Of a FreekUgly Deck

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