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Mar 21, 2010

Spring Is Here for better or for Worst!?!

Three things yesteday made me realize that Spring was here:

1. Half Dressed Girls.

2. Rita's Free Water Ice

3 . South Street Craziness!! (it looked like scene from I am Legend)

I'm a real chill guy so I don't get too involved with crowds. However South St. last night was something else. It was actually kind of lame to be honest. I don't get how its fun just to walk up and down a street arguing, rioting, and hurting other people's businesses. My trip down South street was very short, especially being constantly told by cops to keep it moving. However I do understand that yungbuls don't know how to act late at But enuff of that its Spring, we had a harsh winter, so let sunshine and good times begin!!

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