Dont ask Why...Just pay Tuition

Jul 29, 2010

Embrace the Drak side and become more powerful than any Jedi could ever dream.

So if you didn't know Cam and I are very big Star Wars Fans. You could ask us anything that deals with  the Star Wars universe or timeline  and get an intelligent answer. To us Star Wars   holds the answers to all life's questions... ( maybe I'm exaggerating lol ) but it is the Ultimate Tragedy and an awesome story.

As an ode to the Star Wars universe, Stussy has produced a “Power of the Dark Side” t-shirt. Now you don't have to get Half way burned alive on Planet Mustafar, become a half robot, half man and where a respirator for the rest of your life just to embrace the DARK SIDE. ( If your not a Star Wars fan: that description was  showing how Anakin Skywalker became This guy......

You can wear this Graphic tee instead and accomplish the same goal.

O one more thing...The shirt will be available .at Stussy Japan stores on Saturday, August 14, 2010, and there are only 100 units being made.

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